Presenter: Ismarullizam Mohd Ismail
The world needs reliable energy. As an industry, we supply that energy. Moreover, our product is one of the major contributors to increasing atmospheric CO2. We cannot solve this dilemma, but by better understanding the of reservoir and implementing new technologies at the primary level of production, we can help to be part of the solution; global oil production has always been plagued with high water cut (WC) and high gas oil ratio (GOR), which negatively impact production performance and increased associated CO2. If we can produce the same oil more efficiently, in way that reduces our impact on the environment, as an industry, we can help by providing more sustainable, long-term energy.
The reservoir interface (sandface completion) plays a critical role in optimizing individual well production performance and field-wide estimated ultimate oil recovery. Today’s engineer’s toolbox includes various new technologies to help achieve the targets outlined above. Among those, Inflow control technology (including various Inflow Control Devices (ICD) and Autonomous Inflow Control Devices (AICD)), has evolved to the point that operators can develop fields that were previously unfeasible, in a way that has already demonstrated clear economic efficiencies with a reduced environmental impact. Qualitative examples will be presented from case studies that demonstrate the effective reduction in CO2 associated with producing unwanted gas and water to the surface, contributing toward lower carbon footprint production.
Ismarullizam Mohd Ismail is Chief Technology Officer for InflowControl. He has over 20 years of global experience within advanced completions, petroleum engineering and Research & Development. He has extensive experience in designed and modeled autonomous and passive nozzle completions across the globe, has various patents for inflow control design and is published in international journals and conferences. Dr Mohd Ismail holds a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from University of Leeds, UK and was selected as SPE Distinguished Lecturer for inflow control technology disciplines in 2018/19.